Tuesday, 3 May 2016

Soil profile

Hello everyone especially for those that make an effort to find this blog.

Today, we will learn about SOIL PROFILE.

So, do you ever heard about SOIL PROFILE before?? As its name. of course it is mainly about soil. This is one of the basic thing that you should know if you are studying soil science.

Before I go for any further explaination, after this lesson you will get to know a few things.


a) Meaning of soil
b) Meaning of horizon
c) Meaning of SOIL PROFILE

Soil is the loose material on top of rock. The soil maybe shallow and or tens of meter thick. There may be weathered material from the rock below or transported material deposited on the rock.


Horizon is a layer of soil (product of activities at the top forms soil layers), approximately parallel to the surface, having distinct characteristics produced by soil forming processes. Soil horizons always used to classify the soil and make interpretations, The vertical section of the soil showing different horizons according to the depths is called SOIL PROFILE.


Most soils have three major horizon the surface horizon (A) the subsoil (B) and the substratum (C)

Some soils have an organism horizon can also be buried. 

The master horizon, E, is used for horizons that have a significant loss of minerals (elluviation).

Hard bedrock, which is not soil, uses the letter R.

Well, that all for today! Hope you will learn something from this blog. Thanks!!



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